Underbite or anterior crossbite is a dental term used when the lower front teeth are positioned more outward than the upper teeth.
The goal of braces and other appliances is not only the correction of abnormal positioning of the jaw for a patient to look more pleasing, but also for better function. Better function means that the patient will be able to chew more comfortably because there are no hindrances and the absence of TMJD (Temporomandibular joint disorder) symptoms.
Other signs and symptoms that you may experience if you have TMJD caused by underbite are headache (cluster type - around the eye area), numbness or cramps on the lower jaw area/around the neck, muscle pain on the nape area, back pain, lower back pain, pain below the collar bone, etc.
TMJ Disorder is a condition where the joint that connects your lower jaw to your skull is not in a correct position or is dislocated. Yes, mere malocclusion can cause this condition. Just your teeth not resting in a normal position, no matter how little the tooth is mispositioned, can be the very reason that causes your TMJ to not rest in its supposed place.
Just imagine walking with your knee or ankle where your bones are slightly located outside its socket, it will eventually cause pain, right? The same goes when your TMJ is dislocated. When your lower jaw protrudes more than usual, it will cause stretching of TMJ joints and ligaments and eventually pain and damage. And just like any dislocated knee, TMJ Disorder can be fixed by rehabilitation, a.k.a. orthodontic treatment with the consideration of the TMJ (temporomandibular joint).
Some patients don't experience symptoms until it's in their worst state. Some patients have high pain tolerance but youth can only last long enough.
Our brain and body are very adaptive and usually try to heal themselves especially when we are young or at our prime age. This is the reason why we can stand long hours of work, party all night long, etc. But there will always come a time when your body can no longer compensate for the bad habits, the injuries we endure, and the little pain we ignore.
Ageing--we are all aware that as we grow older, we develop illnesses and diseases caused by our habits, diet, or even long-standing conditions we were not aware of during the time when our immune system was still at its prime. As we age, our immune system also deteriorates. And as much as we want to do preventive measures, most often than not, these are things that we thought would not affect our future health or that we are not aware of. This is also the reason why most TMJD patients are older in age because this is the time when they feel the effects of long-term neglect of their wrong bite.
The good thing about TMJD caused by underbite is it is reversible or it can be fixed. Recent orthodontic advances and research made it possible to manipulate bone and teeth even at an older age, just like this patient. This patient is past its growth spurt, but we are still able to expand bone on the upper to correct its bite.
And like how the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure. It is more convenient and cheaper to do treatments while you are younger or don't have severe symptoms yet. Braces are beyond aesthetic; it is overall health and wellness. You'll discover that there's more behind your TMJ than just freeing yourself from pain. You'll see how you can breathe better, become stronger (literally because of relieving muscles), and actually live a more comfortable life (again, literally).
Visit Dr. Rafaelle Dental Clinic (DRDC) to check how your TMJ is doing. DRDC specializes in TMJD treatments and Orthodontics.
I hope you learned a lot from this and enjoyed this as much as I did working on the case and writing this blog. I try to make the explanation as simple as I could for the general public to appreciate and understand. If there are certain areas that still confuse you or you want a deeper understanding, you may email me at dr.rafaelle@gmail.com. If you have questions regarding your personal case, I am more than happy to give you a consultation. Just book an appointment with us via email, SMS/WhatsApp/Viber (+639778130101), or through this link: Book an Appointment.
Take care!