Vaccine hope is still far away in the future for the Philippines, and we at Dr. Rafaelle Dental Clinic continue to stay vigilant of the virus, COVID-19. The clinic aims to keep everyone safe and healthy all the time. There is no room for even a tiny error or leniency because it is always safer to be overkill than sorry.
All patients are screened prior to confirmation of their appointment. Everyone is required to fill up our health declaration form. All answers are reviewed by doctors and scheduled accordingly. But despite having no symptoms and no knowledge of virus exposure, we treat all patients, family or not, as infected patients. Thus, the strict protocols we uphold. This is to protect everyone.
Aside from our sterilization and disinfection protocols, we do in the clinic, the following are the measures the clinic has been requesting from patients to help us in upholding safe dental treatments since opening during the pandemic:
1. Upon arrival at the clinic, the temperature is verified and hands are disinfected. There are sterile and non-sterile areas. Sterile areas are areas where you can move around when you are in your PPE and non-sterile areas when you are not in your PPE.

2. All belongings that are too big to be UV sterilized will be left in the basin located in the non-sterile area. This is the reason why we advise patients to bring only the necessary things to the clinic. We only allow sterile items to enter our treatment room.

3. Donning of PPE. Our staff will assist you in properly wearing your PPE. This is to keep the treatment room's surfaces sterility. This will make sterilization every after patient easier and faster.

4. All items that can fit our UV sterilizer can be brought inside the treatment room during your treatment. Take note that all sides of the items that will be UV sterilized should be exposed to UV light for at least 5 minutes each. Fewer than 5 minutes mean that it is not sterile. We do not fake sterilize and we appreciate your cooperation in allowing us to keep you away from your mobile phones for a few minutes.

5. Upon treatment room entry, we will ask you to put your facemask in a container which will then be UV sterilized as well. And since you touched your facemask, your hands are again considered non-sterile, thus the proper handwashing requirement.

6. Prior to actual treatment, we will ask you to gargle pure Betadine mouthwash for 1 minute. Studies have shown that Betadine mouthwash inactivates the COVID-19 virus in your mouth for 2 minutes. This is on top of our air sterilization protocols.

These are the protocols we instil in our patients for everyone's safety. We are very thankful to all our supportive and understanding patients who strictly follow these. You may not realize it but these gestures will save lives.
For appointments and schedules, you may contact us through mobile phone (+639178130101) or email (dr.rafaelle@gmail.com).
Stay safe, everyone!