With the advanced technology and new research available today, most traditional extraction cases can now be saved. From treating teeth with infection through Root Canal Treatment to treating crowding teeth through bone expansion.

Root Canal Treatment is the ideal procedure to treat tooth infections over Dental Extraction. It removes infection through the removal of the Pulp (nerve and blood vessels of a tooth) and cleaning and filling of the space left by the pulp or Pulp Cavity. By doing this, you preserve the hard structures of the tooth, making the tooth function normally during chewing and speaking. This will also prevent bone loss and damage to surrounding teeth.

Root Canal Treatment procedure used to be tedious and exhausting for both the dentist and the patient. But equipment and studies are so advanced nowadays that a lot of cases can be done in a single and significantly shorter appointment with no downtime after the procedure, unlike tooth extraction which leaves a wound after for you to take care of.
Pain during the treatment is also absent because of the anaesthetic injection that we administer, and the most discomfort you will feel is getting tired from opening your mouth, which we also assist through devices for you to bite on during the procedure.
Dental Extraction that is done as part of orthodontic treatment to treat teeth crowding or unequal bite is also a thing of the past. Newer studies have shown and proven that bone can still expand even if we are way past our growth spurt. Studies have also shown how removing premolars to create space for crowding teeth can cause TMJ (the joint that connects your lower jaw to the skull) dysfunction and lead to cause an overall health hazard. Premolars are there to contribute to guiding the lower teeth and the lower jaw, removing this will limit the movement and enough space where the lower jaw should be moving around.

Gone are the days when dental treatments are usually scary and mostly painful, thanks to researchers and scientists. So, I suggest visiting our dental clinic for you to see how a new and modern dental clinic looks and feels. We can address those dental traumas through communication and empathy because we were all dental patients of past dentistry.
I try to make explanations as simple as I could for the general public to appreciate and understand. If there are certain areas that still confuse you or you want a deeper understanding, you may email me at dr.rafaelle@gmail.com. If you have questions regarding your personal case, I am more than happy to give you a consultation. Just book an appointment with us via email, SMS/WhatsApp/Viber (+639778130101), or through this link: Book an Appointment.